Guide for Authors

When submitting articles, it is necessary to follow the following tips and instructions to avoid delays in judging and timely publication of the journal:

Please send all articles through the journal system to the following address. It should be mentioned that in order to submit an article, first register in the system.

Acceptance of the article is possible only through the magazine site. To register on the site, send two oral history research journals and follow the steps below:
1. Articles are only received electronically through the address by the liaison or the author in charge of the article.

The author is always responsible for the articles taken from the thesis of the supervisor.
Must - The article submitted in the journal has not been published elsewhere or submitted to other journals at the same time.
۲. The official language of the journal is Persian, but the abstract of the article should be in English and, if necessary, in Arabic. And an English abstract is required.
3. The articles that can be published in the journal are as follows:
a. Complete research articles: The article should be research and the result of the research work of the author or authors.
B. Analytical articles: are accepted by a limited number of experienced people - who have full insight into a particular topic and an acceptable number of research articles have been published in the field under discussion.
J. Critique and review of the internal and external effect of experts in the field in question.
د. Review scientific articles.

4. The journal is exempt from accepting articles longer than 20 pages (6,500 words).
5. The Quarterly reserves the right to reject or accept as well as edit articles.
6. Articles taken from the students' dissertations are published under the name of the supervisor and the student together and under the responsibility of the supervisor.
7. Submitted articles should have the following sections:

Article title: The title should be short, clear and contain the keywords of the article.
Name of the author (s): Name and surname of the author (s) along with their scientific details and organizational affiliation and their email (specify the responsible author)

Persian and English abstracts: Abstracts should be structured and include: research goal, method / approach, findings, conclusions (in 150 to 200 words), and keywords (appropriate to the subject and main variables of the article and in singular form such as: academic library),

Keywords: Usually 3 to 5 short thematic words or phrases should be included that should cover the main and sub-topics of the article.

Objective: Includes theoretical foundations, problem statement, background, purpose (s), question (s), hypotheses (if necessary), and conceptual research model, all of which are included in this section without mentioning subheadings with a coherent scientific link) ; Be careful not to repeat the title of the article exactly on purpose,

Method: Methodology, type of interview, question package, statistical population, tables (number and title at the top of the table), pictures or charts (number and title at the top of the picture or chart); The method should state what the author has done to write the article.

Findings and Results: Report of the main findings; Results and explanation of findings, combination and linking of findings with research background and explanation of possible causes of discrepancies.

Extended Abstract: Prepare an extended abstract in addition to a brief abstract containing all of the above in 300 words and its exact translation. (Google translation is not accepted.)

Sources: It is necessary to mention the source at the end of the article.

Note 1: The calligraphy of the article should be arranged according to the calligraphy of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature and it is mandatory to observe half a space in typing

Note 2: Tables and figures should have a title and, if necessary, a complete footnote at the bottom.
Note 3: Latin equivalents of names and terms as well as additional explanations in terms of number and use for the first time in the footnote.
Note 4: References in the text of the article should be written in parentheses (surname, year: page number / pages / for the interview: narrator surname, year). In the case of non-Persian sources, act like Persian sources. Direct quotations of more than forty words should be inserted separately from the text in indentation (half a centimeter) on the right side (with font number 12).

Note 5: The names of books and magazines should be enclosed in black and diagonal text (font number 11) and the names of "articles, poems and short stories" in quotation marks.
8. How to write resources:
a. Book: surname, name (date of publication), name of the book (in italics and black, font number 11), name and surname of the translator, volume. Printing turn, publisher, place of publication.
B. Article: Surname, name (year of publication of the article), "name of the article". Name of the magazine and name of the electronic publication (in italics and black, font number 11), period. Date of site visit.

J. Interview: Last name, first name [narrator] (date of interview), interviewer, narrator profession, age of narrator, place of interview.
9. How to type articles:
The article will be edited using the 12-point pen (in Latin articles from the Times 11). Enter the page number in the text at the bottom of each page. The distance between the lines should be 1.5 cm. Images must be sent in jpeg format, with 300 dpi or 300 ppi image quality and must be legible, clear and accurate.
